Market shares for sales of the Android Operating System have been steadily creeping up past the iPhone and BlackBerry, and one must consider its accessibility relative to its predecessors. In fact, the Droid does have a few accessibility features built in:
Also built into the Android Operating System are Voice Dialer for the telephone component, and Voice Search for the browser:
Speech dictation is also built into the Short Message Service application, thus allowing users to speak their text messages rather than requiring use of the onscreen or physical keyboard.
While Google may be commended for addressing accessibility within the Android OS, by no means do these features succeed in making the Droid completely “eyes-free” or “hands-free.” However, unlike the iPhone, BlackBerry, or Palm OS, the Android OS is open source, which means developers can create applications, with little or no restrictions, and post them to the Android Market for all to upload and install.
Apps4Android, a subsidiary of IDEAL Group, is one such software development company committed to creating accessible applications specific to the Android OS. Many of their apps are free or very low cost and cover a wide range of accessibility functionality. For a list of products available, visit their website: http://apps4android.org/products.htm
Google also has a team assembled for the purpose of developing a screen reader for use in combination with the touch screen for the Droid. You can follow this project, and other eyes-free accessibility projects in development for the Android OS, by visiting their website: http://code.google.com/p/eyes-free/