Bells with Holly |
"Abe" is a grade school student who hasn't been able to independently use his
Dynavox alternative and augmentative communication device. His mom contacted WATAP to borrow the
Head Mouse Extreme so her son could access his Dynavox. At the end of the borrow period she called one of our AT Specialists, Maria Kelley, OTR/L, ATP to tell her that the Head Mouse worked great and that Abe was able to use his communication device independently. She then asked Maria if there was any way they could keep the Head Mouse Extreme while they secured funding to purchase one. However, more than holding onto it until Abe got one of his own, they were hoping to have the loaner through Christmas so that Abe could have a voice for the Holidays. Maria had to conduct two demonstrations for other participants but was able to return the Head Mouse to Abe so that a little boy could communicate with his family at Christmas.
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